Friday, March 25, 2011

Where Does The Time Go?

Saw Leo Kottke perform last night. Saw him 37 years ago in Rhode Island. Sigh...I'm old. 

This painting is a gal from a vintage glamour shot. I like her smile, I like the turquoise sky. Any thing with polka dots is alright by me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Thought I Wanted To Paint Pet Portraits

So I had this idea that I would paint pet portraits. This is Leroy and Blu. 

Grey Skies..Spring Ahead

Today it has snowed again and I stepped in a ton of dog doo trying to clear an area for the dogs.
I'm not a snow person, not a winter person, I don't ski, sled, skate or revel in the bone chilling temperatures of the arctic air masses that sweep over this vast plain that was once a vast body of water. I do like dinosaur fossils and plan to look for some this summer. But when I was a little kid I wanted to be a cowgirl so this is pretty darn close living here. I just really liked the outfits, not the riding or buckerooing. So I got a ten gallon hat which looks ridiculous on me and a pickup truck and I'm all set.